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  1. Contestants must purchase admission ticket.
  2. Contestants may compete in up to two individual and one band category.  
  3. $5 of the ticket price will be refunded immediately after going across the stage to compete. Refunds will only be issued once per contestant. Any unclaimed refunds at time of competition will be forfeit, and will go towards stage renovations for the following year.
  4. Contestants may compete in EITHER youth or adult categories, but not both.
  5. Any contestants not in line by one hour before category end time, will not be able to cross the stage and compete. ie. Individual contestants must be in line to compete by NO LATER than 4pm on Saturday.
  6. Due to time constraints, no contestant, single entry or band member can compete in more than the allowed two individual competitions and one band competition. Any individual doing so will be disqualified and will result in the disqualification of any bands involved. The only exception is providing accompaniment for individual entries.
  7. Songs should be limited to three minutes. Only songs from the public domain; no copyrighted music.
  8. Individuals will perform only one song. Bands will perform only one song in the first round, and two songs in the final round.
  9. Electric bass will be allowed in bands or as accompaniment, but not judged individually.
  10. All vocal entries should be traditional, original, or folk songs. Solo vocalists may play an instrument while they sing, and have one additional string instrument backup. Songs may also be presented acapella.
  11. Acoustic instruments only, except electric basses in bluegrass band competition. Electric basses will not be judged in individual competition. 
  12. If a contestant breaks a string while performing, or the sound system malfunctions, they have the option to stop immediately. They will be allowed to replace the broken string and/or repeat the performance without penalty. 
  13. Judge's decisions are final, and will be supported by management.
  14. By performing, all contestants agree that the convention and its affiliates may record and reproduce performances free of claim by contestants. 
Band Rules
  1. To qualify, a band must consist of at least four members including a banjo, guitar, bass, and one of the following: a fiddle, mandolin, or dobro. Bands are limited to seven members. Bands must have the same members in both rounds of competition.
  2. Instruments in old time and bluegrass bands must be played in old time and bluegrass style, respectively. You cannot have bluegrass style playing in an old time band, and vice versa. 
Junior Rules
  1. Junior categories are limited to contestants aged 16 and under. Any contestants 17 and up must compete in adult categories.
  2. Youth contestants can choose to compete in adult categories, but will not be able to compete in youth categories if they choose to do so. 
  3. Junior bands must have at least three members age 16 and under, and may be accompanied by one adult.
  4. Junior individuals must be 16 and under, and may have one string instrument backup of any age.
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